Women's Wellness 4 MIN READ 2651 VIEWS August 19, 2020

Wellness Tips for Women

A woman’s mind and her body undergo multiple changes right from birth, puberty, pregnancy, post-pregnancy to the time she gets menopause symptoms. She has to play several roles in her life be it of a daughter, a mother, a wife, or a successful entrepreneur. The unprecedented changes in her lifestyle to cope up with the many challenges can show a lot of repercussions on her health and body. Therefore, it is vital that she should know the right way to keep herself well both physically and mentally.

Here are some mental and health tips for women,  that will help her stay fit and happy:

The first and foremost thing that one has to keep in mind is eating the right food.

Here are some healthy dieting tips:

  • Eat protein-rich food like eggs, lentils, milk, etc.
  • Eat fewer amounts of carbs
  • Include more fibres to your diet like oats for breakfast, pulses, etc.
  • Cut down sugar as much as you can
  • Opt for green vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Lessen the amounts of junk food intake
  • Say no to soda
  • Lessen the amounts of alcohol intake

If you are pregnant or trying to conceive, then here are some pregnant women healthy food ideas:

  • Your body needs extra amounts of calcium and protein during pregnancy, therefore you need to increase the amounts of dairy products.
  • Increase the amount of folic acid intake. This can be done by consuming more and more green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, etc. You can also include eggs, legumes, avocado intake as these are considered healthy foods for a woman during pregnancy.
  • Consume sweet potatoes as these are rich in vitamin A, which help in the proper development of the fetus.
  • Omega 3 plays an important role in pregnant women’s healthy diet plan. Try to consume salmon as these are rich in both DHA and EPA, which helps in the development of baby’s brain and eyes.

Along with eating the right food, one should also burn the calories that are being consumed throughout the day. There are a lot of exercises and yogas that help in enhancing women’s fitness journey.  Here are some workouts that might help in burning some extra pounds:

  • Go for a walk if you do not like to go to the gym. Make sure you do brisk walking and not strolling.  If you want some tips for a healthy heart, then nothing can be better than brisk walking or running.
  • A lot of girls nowadays are facing problems with PCOS and PCOD, which can cause a sudden weight gain and increase their insulin levels. Yogasana and the right diet are the best health tips for girls who have these problems. There are a lot of yogas that will help in regulating your menstrual cycles, reduce your weight and improve hormonal disbalance.
  • Go to the gym and do cardio exercises and weight training.
  • Turn on the music and dance on your favourite song.

Drink a lot of water as it helps in flushing out the toxins from your body. In fact drinking, 3 to 4 litres of water can also help in reducing your weight. You can also make detox drinks using fruits and mint leaves, this will help in detoxifying your body from within and bring a shine to your skin. You should also try to skip tea and coffee and instead opt for green tea. Drinking lots of water is one of the best tips for a healthy pregnancy too as it helps in maintaining the amniotic fluid in the body.

With the increase in age especially after 30, women are at high risk of cervical cancer. Therefore, it is mandatory for women to go for a pap smear test after every 3 years of gap. This is one of the best women’s tips that can help her stay healthy and disease-free.

Taking the right food is important but sometimes due to the busy schedule of a woman’s life, she might not be able to get the proper nutrition. There are a lot of supplements that help in providing proper nutrition for women. One such supplement is JustHer Protein with Herbs, which is a gluten-free supplement that is loaded with nutrients that help in regulating hormones in a woman’s body and providing the required amounts of protein.


Good mental health and good physical health both are equally essential for staying well. While we take care of our physical health, we sometimes tend to ignore our mental health. Try to talk to your loved ones, share your thoughts with them and if you are into depression try to seek the advice of a psychiatrist ( there is no harm in that). Stay healthy, do exercise, eat the right food, sleep a lot, stay happy and stress-free.

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